Saint Sophia Kindergarten is child-centered and provides a warm and nurturing environment focusing on the Saint Sophia philosophy of "Sound Mind, Sound Body."
The program's goal is to ensure exposure to creative thinking, complex problem solving, curious investigation, and sound social skills to help children become strong, confident human beings. Children will expand their knowledge of family and community, and the importance of these elements to their sound development.
Saint Sophia Kindergarten follows the State Core Curriculum with a strong academic emphasis in literacy, math, science, and social studies.
In addition, children will explore the world of art while discovering their talent as artists through daily art concepts and projects with Art Teacher Shelly Howell.
To enhance student's literacy and language development, they will explore the modern Greek Language, dance, and culture while learning how to perform in front of an audience.
For sound body development, children will enjoy various physical education instruction including sports, movement, yoga, and dance.
Children will engage in a variety of science experiments in the science room to further develop a desire to discover the wonders of science.
Saint Sophia's Kindergarten program also includes religious education stressing empathy, understanding acts of kindness, and basic Christian values of love, hope, and faith.
These classroom activities will prepare children for elementary education while giving them a chance to gain a love for learning, curiosity in the world around us, a sense of trust in their abilities, and a solid understanding of social interaction.