Does Saint Sophia School require testing before admission?
No. We believe in child-centered learning where all children acquire "academic" knowledge at their own pace. We build on what children already know and accept them where they are.
How does Saint Sophia School measure learning?
Children's work is documented over time through photographing projects, scripting dialogue, and compiling projects. Our students are also assessed twice a year to measure personal growth in literacy and math skills needed for kindergarten.
What is Extended Learning vs. Extended Care?
Extended Learning is a curriculum-based program where children continue learning throughout the day. The curriculum includes arts and crafts projects, challenging critical thinking skill games, outdoor nature exploration, physical fitness, gardening, music, quiet activities, water play, photography, and more. Extended Learning is held from 12:00 pm to 3:30 pm Monday through Friday. Extended Care is supervised after-school care. It includes indoor and outdoor playtime, classroom activities and games, puzzles, quiet activities, books, and a snack (provided by parents). Contact the office for extended care hours.
How do parents participate in the school? Are they welcome to drop in?
Parents are welcome at Saint Sophia School anytime. Parents volunteer for over forty hours per family during the school year. They learn along with their children in our "Toddler Friday" program and are invited to participate in parenting classes offered by the school. Volunteering takes place in the classroom, for special events and fundraising, and in many other capacities to benefit the school. We welcome all of those interested in sharing their unique talents with Saint Sophia School.
What is an Atelier? How is it different from art education?
An Atelier is an art space for children where they are free to explore different types of art and media. The process is emphasized over the product. The Atelier is the space in which children express their artistic talents and feelings through their creations. In addition to the Atelier, we offer an Art Program for students to learn about Masters of Art. Students are exposed to a different artist each month and create "masterpieces" of their own in the style of the artist being studied. We strongly believe in the benefit of the arts for learning and draw of the spirit of Greek Civilization that promoted the arts as a critical means of discovery and creativity.
When was Saint Sophia School Founded?
In 1997 Saint Sophia School opened its doors with Pre-K and Kindergarten and added a grade every year to the sixth grade. In the Spring of 2014, Saint Sophia School became exclusively and Pre-K and Kindergarten program, focusing on Early Childhood Education.
What is Saint Sophia School's affiliation?
Saint Sophia School is part of the Greek Orthodox Community of Greater Salt Lake and is rooted in the tradition of Classical Greece (Hellenism) and Early Christianity.
What is Hellenism?
Hellenism is the cultural tradition of modern Greeks that dates back to fifth Century Classical Greece. The tradition of Hellenism is dedicated to the importance of education and commitment to the arts as the ideal means for human interconnections. The arts play a major role in the Saint Sophia School Curriculum with a unique focus on the expressive programs of the Atelier.
What is Greek Orthodox Christianity?
The religious tradition of Saint Sophia School comes from the ancient faith of the Orthodox Christian Church that reaches back to the time of the Apostles. This rich tradition encompasses many ethnic cultures ranging from Greek, Russian, the Balkans, the Middle Eastern, and beyond. The church in America has approximately 5 million members from a wide range of ethnic and cultural backgrounds. Saint Sophia School is part of the faith rooted in Greece and brought to America with the early immigrants. For more information see "The Orthodox Church: An Introduction."
Do you have to be a member of the Orthodox Christian Church for your child to attend Saint Sophia School?
No. While the tradition of the community derives from Greek Orthodox Christianity, all students are accepted regardless of religious affiliation. Religious instruction includes basic Christian values of faith, love, hope, and caring for and helping others. Children attend a liturgy once a month to acknowledge and celebrate a Saint who displays these characteristics.
What does Saint Sophia mean?
Saint Sophia dates back to early Christianity when Sophia became a martyr for the church and dedicated her three daughters to the basic Christian values of love, faith, and hope. Saint Sophia School provides basic Christian ideals as foundations for the development of mind, body, and spirit.
What does "development of mind, body, and spirit" mean?
Developing brain, body, and soul health begins with a sound educational environment. Toddler Fridays are just the beginning. In Pre-K 3 & 4, students experience project-based, hands-on learning, to develop critical thinking skills for good decision making while creating habits of mutual respect and caring for each other. Each member of the faculty and staff is dedicated to teaching respect for the value of each child's mind, body, and spirit.
How does the curriculum reflect "A Sound Mind in a Sound Body" (Ενα υγιές μυαλό σε ένα υγιές σώμα)?
Nutrition and physical activity play a key role in the development of children. Saint Sophia incorporates food education int he daily curriculum and choice of snacks, including teaching children how to take care of their bodies inside and out. Students learn about the food cycle through the children's garden, and about the importance of exercise through the physical education curriculum.